The Long Suffering
I remember the days
of hard work and long suffering.
Days when my family and I
shared an old one bedroom
cottage house in the
North part of town.
The life wasn’t easy at all
especially when Daddy
got short paid
couldn’t pay electricity bill
couldn’t buy market goods and groceries.
Waking five in the morning
just to get to school on time
a two hour walk to school every day
wasn’t nice
especially when our stomachs
were quarter filled
I’ll never forget the days
when we had to fetch water
from a public stand pipe
it wasn’t near our home
so the older ones used the wheel barrow
which was tough
cause the roads
were real rough.
Most times our mother
wasn’t in a good mood
seeing her grocery basket
running out of food
now monthend come
the money done
Daddy can’t find no excuse
cause he drink out the money
gambled and lose
Now our sad days are over
and the love we had
is no longer
for this is the time of plenty
and gone is the days of none.